Search this blog. If you are good in bed make it a better prank by not fucking any of them. The Best College Dorm Room Pranks Of All Time Funniest Pranks People Pull In College Such pranks are a bit harsh but more importantly they have the potential to jeopardize your living arrangements which is certainly not ideal. . Colored flip cards as well as detailed instruction sheets had been placed on seats where hundreds of students were seated. - HOW TO PRANK. That was a lot of considerations to take note of. To pull off the loudmouth prank someone with some talent and skills simply walks around the dorm or house and within a matter of seconds starts to shout something along the lines of Oh guysdid you hear that. April Fools is the one day of the year that you can justifiably play pranks on your roommate. But like we always say here at Ownage Pranks its better to always be safe th. Horny Horror Prank This one i...